It is third floral whorl from outer side.
Androecium is male reproductive part of a flower.
The individual member is known as stamen.
If all the stamens are free the condition is polyandrous.
If they are fused.
Cohesion = Fusion between members of a similar whorl.
Adhesion = Fusion between members of dissimilar whorls.
Typical stamen shows three different parts :
1. Anther :
It is terminal in position.
Anther produces pollen grains.
It is usually bilobed bithecous, tetralocular/tetra sporangiate structure, e.g. Datura.
In some plants it is monotheocus (single lobed). Bilocular bisporangiate structure e.g. Hibiscus.
2. Filament :
It is a stalk of stamen and bears anther at its tip.
It raises anther to a proper height for easy dispersal of pollen grains,
3. Connective :
It is in continuation with the fdament.
It is similar to mid rib and connects two anther lobes together and also with the filament.
Cohesion of stamens :
When stamens are united by filaments and anthers are free, the condition is adelphy.
Adhesion of stamens :
When the stamens are united to petals or tepals they are described as epipetalous e.g. Datura, Lily etc.
Syngeneious and Synandrous :
When anthers are united and filaments are free it is known as syngeny. e.g. Sunflower.
Stamens are fused by both filaments and anthers in synandrous conditions e.g. Cucurbita.